Eating for two

Eating for two

Tips and Tricks for Reducing Joint Stifness

Louis Stone

Joint stiffness can arise for a number of reasons. The commonest cause is old age. However, conditions such as arthritis and injuries can also make your joints stiff. When your joints are stiff, enjoying everyday activities can feel frustrating. Here are some tips and tricks for making yours move smoothly.

Temperature Therapy

Temperature therapy is something you can try at home. Both hot and cold temperatures can relieve stiff joints, so you have two options to try. For cold therapy, create a cold compress by wrapping a towel around some ice and apply it to the joint for a few minutes often. You can use hot therapy by applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to the joint. Both therapies reduce inflammation in different ways. They're also effective in reducing pain. 

Losing Weight

Your joints, especially the lower ones, bear the brunt of carrying too much weight. As such, if you're currently overweight or obese, you could potentially reduce stiffness through weight loss. Achieving a better diet and exercising to create a calorie deficit should result in weight loss. However, if you're struggling you should speak with a medical professional so they can identify particular problems. If exercise is painful for you, speak to a physiotherapist so they can help you find ways to work out comfortably.

Trying Exercise

Exercise in itself can help reduce joint stiffness, whether you need to lose weight or not. Periods of inactivity can contribute to how stiff your joints are. You don't need to try anything extreme. If you don't usually exercise, try walking for 20 minutes a day at a pace that doesn't leave you feeling breathless. You can increase the length or the pace of your walk as you feel more comfortable. If your joint stiffness comes with pain, swimming may be a better alternative to walking. The buoyancy of the water reduces the amount of strain your joints take from your weight. You can try using a gentle stroke such as breaststroke. Or, you can try walking in the water instead.

Explore Physiotherapy

Sometimes it's difficult to tackle joint stiffness on your own. Although you know your body well, you don't know what's happening beneath the surface. A physiotherapist can perform a full assessment to identify the severity of your stiffness. They may also discover an underlying injury you're unaware of that requires treatment. With their assessment and the treatments they recommend afterwards, you can place yourself on a journey to smoother joints.

Contact a medical representative to learn more about physiotherapy.


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Eating for two

When you are pregnant it's important not just to eat more than you have been eating previously but also that you are eating the right types of food to make sure that you and the baby stay healthy. Having a healthy diet and not eating the wrong foods can help to keep you feeling comfortable and happy throughout your pregnancy and ensure the best outcomes for you and the baby. This blog has some nutrition advice from parents and health professionals so that you can have a healthy diet throughout you pregnancy journey and includes details on where to get specific advice if you need more help.